Back in the mid-to-late '90s, Disney produced a cartoon called Gargoyles that stood out quite a bit from other shows in the animated landscape. Featuring a serialized storytelling format, rich lore, and a rather dark tone, it quickly gained a cult following across its run, though it never garnered a large enough fanbase that would allow it to blossom into a massive franchise for the House of Mouse.
At the height of the show’s popularity, a video game adaptation was produced for the Sega Genesis in the twilight of the fourth generation of game consoles, though it was met with middling reviews and sales. Now that Gargoyles is looking to make a comeback with the recently announced Disney+ show on the way, Disney has seen fit to give this game a re-release as Gargoyles Remastered from Empty Clip Studios. Featuring some new additions like a rewind feature and updated art and music, this revival of a half-forgotten cult classic is an okay outing, but much like other 16-bit Disney titles, it hasn’t aged all that well.
The narrative in Gargoyles Remastered is loosely based on the plot of the show, but as one would expect of a tie-in game from the '90s, it doesn’t feature anywhere near the depth of storytelling as the show. The plot here is entirely handled via a series of still-image cutscenes before and after levels, featuring a few sentences that roughly explain the premise. The basic gist is that you play as Goliath, the leader of an ancient magical clan of gargoyles from Scotland that battled evil Vikings, and you find yourself transported to modern-day Manhattan after spending over a thousand years as a stone statue. Once awakened, Goliath finds that he must once again battle his old foes in a new age, as they attempt to use a relic called the Eye of Odin for their own nefarious purposes. It’s a fine enough story considering the scope of the game it appears in, though it feels a bit shallow if one knows the much deeper lore that it’s based on.
Gameplay follows the basic template of a no-frills sidescrolling action platformer. Goliath has a few swipe attacks, a close-range grapple move, and a double jump, while he can blast through weak walls with a charge move if he can build up speed. There are five (technically six) levels to battle your way through, each designed in a relatively linear and somewhat haphazard fashion. The whole thing should take you about an hour to clear at most, assuming you don’t run out of lives and have to start all over again.
Though it can be fun to experience this somewhat obscure part of gaming history, it’s abundantly clear that Gargoyles came out during the peak of the era when developers made games unfairly difficult so kids couldn’t rent and beat it in a weekend. Enemies take off enormous chunks of health while sparse, hidden health pickups restore almost nothing. There are frequent instances where off-screen enemies gank you with ranged attacks during challenging platforming sections. Hit detection on your attacks is bizarre, never making it fully clear whether you actually hit an enemy even if it looked like the attack connected.
To its credit, there’s something bizarrely charming about a retro game that feels janky in this way, but the novelty wears off pretty fast. Luckily, Gargoyles is a much easier experience this time around due to the introduction of a rewind feature which lets you run things back by a few seconds to reattempt tough sections as many times as you’d like. This certainly makes things more bearable, but it also has the effect of removing the difficulty that originally made this game much ‘longer’. Roll the credits after an hour and you’ll find there’s not much else for you to do than to just play it again from the start.
As for its presentation, Gargoyles Remastered has a neat feature where you can seamlessly toggle between the original Genesis release and a new remastered version with the tap of a button, not unlike the excellent Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap. Gameplay and physics remain exactly the same between the two versions, so which one you roll with is really just a matter of personal taste. We admittedly preferred the much moodier visuals and crunchy sound bites of the 16-bit original; the new art and remastered soundtrack is fine, but it feels a little devoid of character and loses a lot of the original's atmosphere.
It also is a little disappointing that Gargoyles doesn’t have the kind of gallery content featured in the Disney Classic Games Collection. This isn’t entirely unexpected given the TV show's status as the unloved stepchild of Disney’s '90s cartoons catalog, but it still would’ve been cool to see concept art, marketing materials, and maybe some developer interviews about the making of the original game or show. Plus, given that Disney has already shown a willingness to feature this kind of content for its recent re-releases of other games from this same era, one can’t help but wonder why it was omitted here.
For that matter, it seems weird that Gargoyles Remastered is a standalone release and wasn’t simply added on as DLC to the Disney Classic Games Collection, as happened with The Jungle Book and SNES version of Aladdin a couple of years after that game’s initial release. Perhaps it's just not 'classic' enough? At launch, Gargoyles Remastered will run you 15 bucks, but unless you’re a huge fan of Gargoyles, the value proposition is unmistakably lesser for this release.
Gargoyles Remastered is an okay remaster of an okay game. Its moody 16-bit visuals and challenging difficulty will no doubt appeal to some, especially fans of the show, but its short length and often unfair design certainly hold it back from greatness. We’d say this one might be worth picking up if you can find it on a pretty decent sale down the road—it’s entertaining enough despite its shortcomings—but you’re not really going to be missing out on a ton if you choose to pass on it.
Comments 102
Huge fan of Gargoyles so will be getting this soon. The new visuals are enough for me. I never liked that Goliath had red eyes and grey skin (as for non clone Gargoyles, males have white eye glow when emotional and females have red eye glow. Plus the big guy is lavender. Very happy to play a version the looks more accurate to the show. ) Also the Gargoyles themselves aren’t magical. They aren’t Fae and so far the only magic users are Una (from the London Clan) and Demona.
Definitely checking this one out.
Museum content is an interesting criticism. I feel pretty much every developer could do better in this area. Why is it always a coffee table book? Why isn't there a VR museum experience for gaming?! Seriously. How have Sony not done that already?
Back on topic... I'll pick this up.
The lack of features doesn't surprise me. I could tell from the get go they were working with a very tiny tiny budget.
Disney has been quietly garnering re-interest in the franchise in spades. So i think they on some level they are testing the waters for future reasons.
I'll still get it as Gargoyles was my favorite animated show that introduced to me the world of drama. The show itself showed me how storytelling can be in a kids show. It dealt with adult subjects in nuance and subtle ways.
"I cannot make war upon an entire world." ~ Goliath. Keith David is my favorite actor of all time!
It feels weird to expect this to be added to the Disney collection. Gargoyles was never on the same tier as the other brands included in that collection. If the game was added without the new coat of visual paint, sure, but I feel like that's the entire reason they were able to get the game greenlit in the first place.
I don't mean to clutch pearls but please lets not keep normalising "unloved stepchild" as a metaphor. As a father to an adopted child I love them more than anything in this world and could not give less of a crap what their dna says, and neither could they. They are my child. I am their dad. There are a great many people who are adopted that have insecurities because of the common use of phrases like this. Similarly the evil step parent is a trope we shouldn't keep pushing into the popular consciousness.
And in any case, Gargoyles was a great show! lol
Lot's of "new stuff" from Disney lacks soul.
@samuelvictor More power to you! I can absolutely relate to how you and your kids feel.
@Scollurio Thank you. I was self conscious about posting that and because I'm in the public eye I don't ever really mention many details about my private life publicly, but I really think its a damaging stereotype that is common enough to be easily casually used without thinking of how cruel in concept it actually is. I'm sure Mitch meant nothing by it, I'm not calling him out. Its a commonly used phrase.
However, being the high rate of divorce nowadays there must be more kids than ever before who have step parents. Its already an unsettling enough situation for a child without the idea being put into their head that maybe their new parent doesn't really love them. It hurts me just to type that.
Removed - flaming/arguing
I'm a little disappointed this didn't review better, but it's a cheap game and I loved the original game as a kid, so I can't resist grabbing it. We can't play Mario Wonder 100% of the time anyways right?
Though a decent game in the graphic department back then, you could literally beat this in one hour and all they did was add new graphics filter on it? They may as well make a new game out of it and add the Genesis version as a bonus unlockable, I feel that would be much better value for $15 then simply just remaking the same game with both old and new graphics. At least add three more new levels to the remake so that it's worth the value. This could had easily been an NSO title.
@Kb111 I think if you were familiar with my work you'd know that I advocate for free speech all the time, very publicly and vocally. But I also advocate kindness and thinking about what we are conveying to others with our words. Casual turns of phrase can be cruel without that being the intention of the person saying them. I wasn't trying to police anything, just making a suggestion and pointing out why it might be a hurtful phrase rather than an amusing one. I said "let's not" and also stated that I wasn't casting aspirsions on Mitch, who I like alot.
And as for me being the example I want to set to the world - again, that's kinda famously my whole career. I'm far from perfect, no-one is, but I'm a work in progress. I'm sorry if my suggestion offended you - free speech means I was free to make the suggestion, and you are free to ignore it and tell me you think I'm being silly. Thats fine.
@Kb111 I hope you understand that we're talking about children here. It can be incredibly tough for children to develop self confidence if they're insecure about their relationship to their parent and it's important not to spread negative stereotypes about it. Besides, @samuelvictor was only talking about his experience which most of us can't relate to, this isn't trying to police speech.
Anyways, Gargoyles is indeed a cool show
@samuelvictor Just be the exclusion of the stereotype.
Stereotypes exist for a reason!
Now about the game! I ordered the standard copy from LRG. I love that game and the show!
@GreenTea haha thanks.
@Zuljaras I will... I'm not sure I understand the logic of that particular sterotype though. You think that most step children aren't loved? Surely that isn't true. I think it stems more from the old fairytales from the days people married for money/inheritance/property rather than baring any resemblance to modern society where its extremely common for parents to remarry, or single mothers to find a new partner who loves their children.
@samuelvictor Modern society cares so little about love that is why divorce rate is so damn high, you should not be surprised how cruel people can be
And the notion in the old fairy tales comes from people as well. I would even think that some people act like the new lion in the pride that kills all other cubs so he is sure that only his biological kids will remain
Why do you think it's harder for single mothers to find a new relationship? Many people have prejudices.
@samuelvictor To be honest with, ya I don't see how Gargoyles was/is unloved. If people wanna know why it stopped, the answer isn't surprising. Change in production and decline in viewership is typical of why many shows don't last forever.
I mean at the height of it's popularity there was a good chunk of merch and as by the topic title, a licensed video game. So I mean they did put in effort to sell the series to audiences.
As to why there was never a movie? That's easy too. Remember a film called "Ducktales the movie"? You don't? Well there ya go, it was a flop.
Remember a film called "Teacher's Pet the movie"? Not that either? It flopped too. It's easy to see why Disney wasn't going to risk any more movies based on cartoon series' for the foreseeable future.
Edit: My last half is not directed at you or anyone personally, just stating why I don't think the series was treated poorly.
@samuelvictor while I applaud your civility, your need for comfort diminishes the experience of those whom have actually suffered your "troupe". My mother was severely abused by her step father for years, and asking people not to talk about it actually minamalizes her real world pain, in order to protect your feelings from words. Also, if this is about children, why are you still supporting the known occultist and pedos at Disney? Be consistent people.
@Zuljaras Oh absolutely its harder for single mothers to find a man who is willing to raise the other person's child. I don't debate that for a second. But for the men who do make the choice to marry the single mother and legally adopt their child? Those are the people that I highly doubt would do so if they don't love the kid and secretly resent them.
As I said, I think the old fairy tale stereotypes came from people marrying for money rather than love. Thats hardly the norm nowadays.
Because of my job I have seen and been exposed to some of the harshest and cruelest realistities of our world and met people that I can easily classify as "true evil". But my overall impression is that the vast majority of people are kind hearted people with good intentions.
@Vexx234 Yeah the show was a pretty decent success for Disney channel at the time, got 3 seasons and enough episodes to be syndicated. More recently, Jordan Peele tried to pitch a movie adaptation recently, and James Wan is making a live action series for Disney+. I've worked freelance for Disney in various capacities over the decades and I've never heard any one refer to the show as a failure.
Who didn't see this coming? In its day Gargoyles was looked over and it seems limited run is capitalizing on nostalgia for the series to drive sales for this very forgettable game.
I'm old enough that I played this game when it was new. I didn't think it was anything special at the time, and I'm not surprised my opinion hasn't changed.
Strip away the license and it's just another bog-standard platformer action game from an era when such games were legion. The Gargoyles license (and that show WAS great) is the only reason to care about this.
Since "pixelated graphics" from days past, a consequence of hardware limitations, became "pixel ART" in recent years and as such a totally accepted artistic style even for modern games, I don't see the point in "HD visual" remasters (especially if they are that bland) in old games, that have perfectly fine, smooth pixel art visuals...
@Kb111 Again, I'm literally a whistleblower who very famously outs abusers and p**philes in the industry. That includes people within Disney, who I have worked with and around, and the vast majority of the people there are great, some were awful, and where they are I call them out. Preaching to the choir.
I'm truly sorry to hear about your mother. I've suffered from abuse too, as have many people that I love dearly to a far worse extent than I. Its nothing to be minimised and again, I've made a point of using my position of power and influence to try to help people in those situations. But I don't think any reasonable person could claim that its likely to be normal that the majority of step parents are evil/bad, or that the vast majority of step children are unwanted? That seems way off.
I do very much agree that people should talk about their experiences if they want to. Raising awareness of issues is important. Again, I do exactly this - for example I often talk about my mental health struggles, austism and other uncomfortable personal experiences in public because it helps to normalise and make people aware, or helps others going through the same thing know they aren't alone. I absolutely want all victims to speak out if they are comfortable to do so - again, I literally helmed an entire extremely viral campaign about exactly this, and wrote a non profit book and have done countless hours of talking on podcasts advocating for exactly what you are also asking for.
None of that is remotely related to a casual stereotype that step-kids are not loved. I don't know where you are making that connection, you are imaginging me to be a villain that I'm the exact opposite of. I'm sorry if I've mistakenly given you that impression.
@samuelvictor Society and relationships are broken, i cheer for everyone that's strong, loving and caring enough to pick up the pieces and forms a FAMILY from it. Family isn't how it's formed, but how it's LIVED from day to day. From personal experience I've seen far better "step parents" than "actual parents".
It's a very sensitive subject for me, especially in western cultures and I am perfectly convinced that unconditional love doesn't have to come from blood.
@Zuljaras Well single mothers have a tough time because they come with baggage. And I don't mean the kids. Not saying "it's everyone's own fault" but I AM saying that nowadays choices in sexual partners are often not well thought through. Western society's families have gone down a cliff the past 20 years all in the name of "freedom" and "fun". No one talks about freedom coming with responsibility.
It's only western societies that have gotten way more cruel, all while wearing a fake mask of tolerance and understanding. It's all a ***** show. But somewhere inbetween there are people that carry so much love in their heart, they can spread it like a blanket to at least temporarily keep the coldness of the western world at bay.
Think that's too poetic? Too much drama?
Well maybe you've gotten cold too.
@Scollurio Thank you, I appreciate that.
Will pick this up when it goes on sale, love having retro games on the Switch. Still waiting for the Saturday Afternoon Collection
I'll wait for a sale as I usually do for digital-only games and also since I'm not particularly attached to Gargoyles as unfortunately couldn't watch it as a kid - not sure when it was aired here in Italy if at all - but still, happy that this is on Switch regardless!
Still don't get why they didn't bring the The Disney Afternoon Collection and/or DuckTales: Remastered to the Switch...
Some of commentary in this review makes no sense. Why wasn’t it a part of The Disney Afternoon Collection? Because it’s a different developer and publisher. Similarly, it’s odd to focus on Disney’s willingness, when the push to include extra content before came from Capcom and Digital Eclipse. This review kind of ignores the existence of the other team and treats it like Disney made both.
Also, fully agree with @samuelvictor. There’s no reason to push insulting metaphors.
@Kb111 That's a sad thing to hear and I am sure it left a lot of trauma in you and your mother, which makes it difficult to take another point of view. I guess all that's going on here is that it is not good to generalize. And yes, even while most of us try to be somewhat decent human beings and many others do too, you will run into the odd a-hole, that's for sure.
But they are not the norm.
They are not everywhere.
They tend to seem to pool around power and money though...
@Scollurio Exactly! The "freedom" and "fun" comes with a price. I know some people in their 40s now that have no chance of finding love because they are too "damaged" (bagaged?) from their fun activities in their youth. Sad reality for more and more people.
Anyway ... Gargoyles is awesome
@Wasgo Thank you for the support. I wasn't aware my comment would be so controversial. Not my intention to rile people up or bring up upsetting memories or feelings. Infact thats what I was trying to prevent. Oh well!
I liked the tv show back in the day but this aint for me. Considering both the backlog and eShop seas. Doesn't stand out anywhere near enough for me. Thanks for the review.
@samuelvictor Agreed. A moderate success is considered good. I could see the authors pov if the show failed after a half a season. But it didn't. It was the 90's.
Cartoons left as soon as they came. If any show made it past 2 seasons, that's a high five.
@samuelvictor Spot on. Until you pointed it out then i didnt really realise until i read your comment.
@Kb111 You could argue you are trying to do the very thing that you are complaining about? Freedom of Speech extends both ways and is for everybody?
I love Gargoyles and have been re-watching it on Disney+. I may have to grab this game as I never got to play it back in the day.
Thanks for all the comments everyone... however, can we please try to keep comments on the topic of the game itself, otherwise we will have to start removing comments under our "off-topic" rule.
@Vexx234 Definitely. Sure its not as successful as Duck Tales or whatever but what is? It met expectations for the network and is still a well loved and active property today.
@pjzx Thank you 😀 I meant well, at least.
@LEGEND_MARIOID Yes, that's what they are doing but it obviously comes from a place of hurt and love for their mother, and I fully understand that. These things can cloud our judgement or make us see enemies where there are friends, or be suspicious of those that would want to help. Hurt people hurt people. I don't mind them disagreeing with me and I'm sorry that I accidentally triggered an unpleasant thought or memory for them. I'd hope that they can see that that was the very thing I was trying to prevent happening to others.
@NintendoLife I'm sorry for accidentally derailing the conversation. But surely it was a valid concern to raise about the phrasing of the review? Of course if you don't want to change it you don't have to but when using inflamatory language (even accidentally) in the review it seems that people might feel justified in questioning why it was necessary?
Regardless, I've said all I need to say on the subject matter, I'm happy not to continue a circular discourse about it.
@samuelvictor we have no issue with your original comment, hence it has not been removed. However, the conversation afterwards has clearly headed away from that and the topic at hand.
This reminds me of another 16-bit game from a TV show that I need to track down.
Sgt. Saunders' Combat! for Super Famicom
The game probably sucks, but my goodness, that show rules!!!
@NintendoLife Ok no worries, like I said, not planning on continuing. I said my piece and frankly didn't expect to have to defend myself against such random accusations, I thought my intention was clear. Again, sorry for accidentally disrailing.
@samuelvictor I agree with you after reading the the review and everyone's reply.
I would suggest the author edit the review and remove the controversial part. I'm not saying that as to be mean or silencing anyone, but using certain words should reflect the reality behind it.
If anyone cares to read up on the history of the show, unloved stepchild is the wrong choice of words to use. By all accounts the show did decently for the time period it was in.
Im just saying it's not the right choice of words is all. Author could have selected something that more accurately reflects it's history.
Like "little classic of 90's" or "forgotten gem."
Unloved implies something sinister or shady. I get in text form, it's not easy to show intent, but at the same time a small correction wouldn't hurt.
@Zuljaras @samuelvictor
In several of the old tales-- hansel and gretel, snow white, the Grimms Brothers changed it from "mother" to "stepmother". In the first edition (in 1812) it was horrible mothers. In later versions, (1840) the mothers conveniently die. Probably to avoid freaking out kids or offending mothers.
Btw, I loved the show, Gargoyles. But I have enough unfairly hard platformers in my life. I remember being impressed/disturbed by the Lion King game, but not like "wow this is so good." Nowadays of course we have a whole genre of Souls-likes to punish ourselves with.
@Grimm_feelings Hansel? Hansel??? 🤨
Not surprising, this was never that great a game. Demon's Crest is the far better title for 16 bit moody gargoyle action.
@Scollurio Except for Soul, but then that was Pixar...
@Quiet2down Thanks. And yeah it wasn't Disney's biggest success but it was pretty well receieved, long running, and literally has a big budget reboot being made right now.
@samuelvictor I was a bit afraid when I started reading your comment thinking it could be off topic or overly controversial but I am 100% with you. In a world where DNA/blood is by no means a guarantee to any love at all (sadly). The old fashioned sentence of unwanted stepchild makes little to no sense.
Congrats on your family! Hope it grows full of love and care!
@Wisps Thank you! Well my (adopted) child is now a young adult and fully grown. Could not be any more proud of them. Never once did I for a second regret my decision to make them my chosen family 🥰
@samuelvictor good point and you sound like an awesome Dad 👍
@nocdaes Thank you 😀 I've made mistakes like all parents but I've never done anything other than try and do whats best for my kids and my family. Its a cliched phrase, but they are my world. Quite literally.
Is anyone talking about the game anymore?
I played the original and thought the story was good for the material it was adapted from. Gargoyles does a lot of bait and switch with its plotlines (see the entirety of Demona and MacBeth’s history. I want them to punch the Wyrd Sisters out soo badly). But the relics of the Fae tend to be straightforward and the Eye loves to test (mess with?) people. So it’s a nice stable mcguffin to base a game on. That being said I hope with the current revival there is some push to make a sequel. I miss the licensing days of the 90’s.
How do you make something like this without museum content or any extras? It just feels super bare bones.
@Ryu_Niiyama Technically yes? By all accounts the subject matter is still at the center, it's just surrounded by other topics within the same realm.
For the bait and switch part. I enjoyed it. It gave Demona a back story as to how she managed to survive for over 1000 years. It also showed that without change we're doomed to an enteral cycle of our making.
The show balanced her well. It did give her character small glimmers of hope. For instance in a flashback of her life, it showed she slowly started to gain trust in humans, and maybe somewhere in the back of her mind understood Goliath's unwillingness to make them enemies.
It's only after the second betrayal, she reverted forever. 1000 years of hatred will keep you in a place that's not going to change nomatter how hard you try.
@Vexx234 my issue with Demona is that she was manipulated and abused so early on (and throughout the series. The Wyrd sisters and Puck don’t let up. And they do it for Fun.) She is trapped by her hatred sure, but it feels mighty justified. Even more so with the current comics expansion. As she said “they can’t even get along with each other, and you would have them share their world with us?”
She never feels like a deliberate villain to me because she never gets a fair shake. A pity she didn’t meet Elisa first. Between her hang up as Goliath’s ex (and Gargoyles don’t actually seem to have divorce so I feel that they are still technically mated) and the way he was secretive about Elisa when he first met her, the one human that always goes to bat for the Gargoyles is the one human Demona would never trust. Would be cool to perhaps play a game with her as an antiheroine though. Anyway like I said I think the eye was a suitable macguffin at the time for the series. Anything else would have required a ton of exposition. Much which didn’t exist when the game came out (as I believe the series was still running).
@Vexx234 The fight between Keith David and Rowdy Roddy Piper in They Live is one of the greatest fight scenes in cinematic history.
@Ryu_Niiyama I havent kept up with the series in a long time. So on this, ill take your viewpoint.
@OldManHermit Sometimes you have to beat up your friends to save them from aliens, I always say.
Haha, I love that scene!
@samuelvictor my stepmum married my dad when i was 5 now a lot older to old to mention my 8 and 10 year old love annoying grandma. and too them she is just grandma and they love her to bits. apart from when we visit the cat who dislikes the world except my stepmum as soon as my daughter sits down she is curled up on her lap . But my dad always wins favorite status thats because he might be 70 still plays video games reads comics we brought him to switzerland for ski holliday for his 70th. I ended up looking after 3 kids that week
@Zuljaras I agree! Not so sure about Gargoyles though (the HD remaster, not the classic one).
@NintendoLife Good conversations seem to emerge naturally, it's a bit of a shame comments ought to be removed because they happen to be "off topic". But I do see your point.
Down the road I'll grab this. I want to say I rented this as a kid, but its hard to be sure. I'm positive that as a fan of the show, if I saw this on the rental shelf, I would've grabbed it.
This reminds me of the NES Ducktales game that was remastered. I hate the way it looks. I much prefer the pixelated look of the originals. When they are cleaned up like this it's very disengaging.
@samuelvictor I know you did for sure mate! I get exactly what you meant. Hope we get to chat more.
@Goofonzo Nice thing on this one is you can play in the 16-bit pixel art mode if you want. I do like when they include that.
There are a ton of Gargoyles fans, probably more adults over time given the shows darker nature compared to the others. It's not unloved.
Never got a chance to play this game back in the day because Inwas waiting for the SNES version. Might pick this up at some point when it's on sale as I do enjoy the Disney games from that era.
@samuelvictor From an adopted kid, thank you ❤️
...I guess I should have read the whole thing...nice.
@Anguspuss Aww thats lovely, thanks for sharing. And yeah cats sure can be territorial about their favourite human! 😹
@pjzx Thank you, I hope so too! 😀
@TenClaws You are more than welcome 💜
Loved this show back in the day, and I still do. I rent the Genesis game back in the day but didn’t get too far I think.
Woah, NWR gave it a 3.
And also, Woah! The comments!!
@samuelvictor Yeah but Gargoyles truly was an UNLOVED stepchild, not a loved stepchild
Aw damn. For a truly wonderful micro second I was overjoyed and thought this was a remake of Gargoyles quest . Those games are some of the most unique and impressive games of that NES and Gameboy era imo.
As a Gargoyles fan, I do try to spend money in ways that lets Disney know I want more. That will include buying this, eventually.
I am cautiously excited for the Disney+ reboot, and I am loving the comics that started almost a year ago.
Not sure why this exists but I'm glad it does.
@OrangeSoda wait there is a disney + reboot? I knew about the comics but not that. I will have to check the cast list.
Edit: Live action??? Nevermind.
@Ryu_Niiyama Yeah I mentioned it in my above comment ( #19 ) defending the series. The reboot is live action (boo) but being directed by James Wan, so there is potential. Jordan Peele also pitched a movie adaptation, which could have been amazing, but they went with a show for Disney+ instead. It was meant to come this year but was delayed by the writers and SAG AFTRA strikes. Still very much coming though, last I heard.
@MattmanForever I know you are joking, but not really, see my above comment and #19. It was a pretty decent success for Disney and is an active property being rebooted right now. In all my years on the periphery of various facets of Disney I've never heard anyone say it underperformed or was a disappointment. Sure it wasn't their biggest show, but there's plenty that have far less episodes and are all but forgotten nowadays by comparisson.
@nocdaes I think that's just called Astro's Playroom.
@Vexx234 "I cannot make war upon an entire world." He certainly could as the Arbiter (different franchise, I know ). But yeah, Keith David is awesome. I hope they can bring him back in some capacity for the remake.
Not just him, though: I also want them to bring back some of the Star Trek alums, such as Jonathan Frakes and especially Marina Sirtis, who voiced Demona in the original cartoon.
A while ago I googled for lists of the best Sega Genesis games. I looked for long lists each at least 50 games long, that were ranked. I assigned points based on rank and added them all up. I was left with 16 lists, 396 unique games and 1,465 total entries.
Gargoyles ended up tied for the #243 best Genesis game.
@AstroTheGamosian Oh, no doubt. While Keith David nailed the role, equal praise for the rest of cast.
Jonathan Frakes did an excellent job of giving Xanatos this subtle yet devious personality. I appreciate how he balanced the tone, as to make Xanatos appear as if he could be a real life master criminal.
He could have really hammed it up, and go way over the top like a typical cartoon villain, but he handled the role with style. Though I do also enjoy the very few moments where he did ham it just a little.
Everyone performed their role admirably, and for that, I hold each actor in high regard. All of them could have easily went in the studio, and phoned it in.
I'm glad they didn't. They looked at the concept, digested their given character, and gave them enough personality to tell them all apart.
My sister had a son and fostered a kid and treated him like a dog. The foster kid and her son would be doing the same thing and she would RAIL on the foster kid without a word against her son.
She fostered for the money.
The "red-headed step-child" is a saying for a reason.
What's next? We can't call people "crazy" or it will upset the bipolars?
Let's not burn all copies of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Cinderella.
Let's not normalize vocabulary victimhood.
@MontyCircus The dust has settled on this matter. Why are you trying to resurrect it? You should have arrived earlier.
The original poster simply disagreed with a word, and offered a reasonable explanation in a kind manner. There was back and forth, before staff stepped in.
Your post changes their tone to sound more angry than it actually was.
Same poster apologized , made their peace, and it's over with. Kindly, do not restart this again. The staff doesn't need to spend an hour purging posts, to eventually just decide to close the comments all together.
@MontyCircus "She fostered for the money." wow I wasn't even aware that was a thing. I'm truly sorry to hear about that situation. Although I thank you for sharing your story and giving context, and would never discourage people from sharing experiences, I mostly agree with what @GooseLoose1 said.
The site moderators have asked that we don't keep elaborating on topics not related to the game, and I will respect that. I think I made my feelings, position and standing clear in all the above posts. I hope that fostered child is now doing ok.
@Vexx234 I especially love how wicked Marina Sirtis played Demona. Her character of Deanna Troi in Star Trek is so kind and caring, but Demona is the polar opposite. But her villainy is due to a deep-seated pain; she's not evil in a vacuum, as Marina Sirtis puts it.
Another thing Marina Sirtis also says is that she herself is more like Demona than Deanna. She claims that her best friend, Michael Dorn (a.k.a., Worf) says she's "mean as a snake." Whether or not that was just a joke, I don't know.
But I will say that Marina in real life is funny, witty, and doesn't suffer fools gladly, but will have the fans' backs at the end of the day, because she knows that she got where she is now because of them. If anything, I love Marina Sirtis for Marina Sirtis, rather than for Deanna Troi or Demona.
@AstroTheGamosian Thank you. I did not know that. This is why I love it so much. Actors and actress' gave each character a personality that stood out. Putting a bit of themselves into the role.
Gargoyles will forever hold a spot in my heart. It was ambitious with it's storytelling, and gave every character layers upon layers. It wasn't afraid to make it's characters complex.
The show pokes you hard with that complexity within the first 4 episodes.
@AstroTheGamosian Marina Sirtis? Wow that's nice to know. Never watched the show in english (or a lot at all) so I wouldn't know. Hm. Gonna check out some clips now! Thanks!
@Scollurio To be honest, I myself didn't even know she was in it until a few years ago, when I saw some clips on YouTube of Q&As that she gave at Star Trek conventions. That's how I learned that she was in the show.
Admittedly, it's been DECADES since I last saw Gargoyles, and even then, it was only a few episodes. I did know about the show, but I just never had the opportunity to really sit down and watch it.
@Vexx234 I had heard of the show, but only saw a few episodes here and there. It's been DECADES since I last saw it, though. Sadly, I do not have Disney+, so I can't see it right now, as much as I want to.
It's disappointing that the rewind feature is the only new content beyond the expected presentation update, but that's good enough for me to want it despite already owning the original game.
@samuelvictor That's an adopted child, not a stepchild. A stepchild is your spouse's existing child from a previous relationship at the time of your marriage.
Still, your complaint does apply equally to actual stepchildren as it does to adopted children. Although, it does specifically say the unloved ones, which does unfortunately happen on rare occasions.
@Serpenterror To be fair, it does also add a rewind feature, which is a great addition for such a difficult game. I've never been able to get past the boss of the 3rd level (the possessed elevator) without using the invincibility or level skip cheat codes, and using those removes a bunch of the fun.
@samuelvictor Well, of course the reboot is in live action, as that's the only way it's worth doing with the original animated version pretty much perfect the way it is (save for "The Goliath Chronicles"). If you want to watch the franchise animated, just watch the original series itself or buy the (true) canon continuation comic books, which themselves got a continuation starting just last year.
@BulbasaurusRex I don't know. I don't feel live action is the only way. It's just the Disney way.
Animation has evolved from how it was viewed back then to how it is viewed today. It's thanks to show's like Batman:TAS, Gargoyles, and few others society begin to see just because a show is directed at kids, doesn't mean it has to be treated as such.
You'll notice shows like Justice League and Teen Titans, took inspiration from shows like Batman and Batman: Beyond; and wasn't afraid to treat it's story with a level of seriousness that can be engaging for young audiences and adults.
Unlike in Japan, the west didn't value animation as a serious medium for a long time. Now we do.
So, what Im getting at here is, a Gargoyles remake wouldn't do anything to diminish the original. It will live or die own it's own merits just like upcoming live action version.
Without being bound by 90's limitations, it would allow more freedom to tell a woven story. I love Gargoyles, but there are moments where it feels like it's held back just a bit because of the time period.
With a fresh new coat of paint, it can tell a similar story, while also being free to dive to even deeper depths. Not only that, it can adapt the latest comics into animation form.
I would still enjoy a 4k remaster of Gargoyles though that doesn't require a monthly subscription.
@Quiet2down As you said, it already broke those boundaries when it originally aired. There's very little it could do further from a storytelling perspective that it didn't already do the first time around. If you just want to see some even more realistic violence, have the characters swear on occasion, and have Lexington admit that he's gay, a reboot really isn't needed just for that kind of stuff.
If you just want to adapt the comics, then it should just be a continuation series rather than a reboot, as a reboot would change too much of the overall story, which is especially a big problem with a series that has such tightly woven continuity as this one, with the series creator even continuing to answer various questions about it and his other shows.
Unfortunately, they can't make a continuation series, as there's no good way to dismiss "The Goliath Chronicles" from continuity the same way that the comics have.
Coincidentally, my girlfriend has been watching this show again after many years of not being able to watch it. For me myself, it has been a fun trip down memory lane. I will say though, I never did play the Gargoyles game. Honestly hadn't even heard of it until it was brought up. I still don't think I really want to play it.
I just wish they put as much effort into this as they did DuckTales Remastered
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